Identify an example(s) of a social media campaign (or communication campaign with social media components) and discuss it in relation to the strategic communication process detailed in-class and in your text.Evaluate the campaign. Was it effective (or ineffective) at achieving some goal? Why or why not? What recommendations would you make to the organization if they were to do the campaign again?

The one current campaign that keeps getting my attention is one by Sony Pictures for the upcoming The Amazing Spider Man 2 film. 

As seen here :

Based on our conversation in class I feel that Sony Pictures is Targeting the Generation Z and Millennials generation. What they are doing is using the fictional newspaper company (set in the Marvel Universe) and publishing news articles on tumblr related to the events that go on throughout the films and comics. This Innovating ideas help cement the fans expectations for the film; giving tidbits on previews and the overall vibe of the story in the upcoming film. Being on a social platform like Tumblr Sony must be reaching to the spider man fan base that will be at the right age that will grow up with the planned franchise. Being a Generation Z or Millennial are very tech educated and will be the first ones to find out with news of the film hits the web. So to supplement them with more Quality Content ,tumblr is a great place to do that. 

Another campaign that has caught my attention is done by the publishing company Dark Horse Comics. One of Dark Horses main titles is Buffy the Vampire Slayer and with the premier of its Tenth season in comic form the company chose to put its previous issues of buffy and its Spin off Angel & Faith.


Whats odd is I don’t know what exactly what market other then the hardcore fans it could be reaching out to ? The Publishing company has went to twitter with its writers and artists to interact with the fan base. Also in gathering like Wonder Con and Comic Con do a lot of fan events. It Creates a very synergetic relationship with the readers. I found myself very profound that a publishing company values its reader so much! And here are my thoughts on Buffy’s return


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Juice Fasting ? Join me on my adventure though my colon!

Hey guys I decided to do a juice fast for a week. Recently I watched the documentary “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” and i was inspired! I have down cleanses in the past and always had mixed results. This time with trying something new I have decided to document my experience. I have the first 3 days and up on youtube. I’ve been a bit lazy with editing the rest of the footage. Well i guess its more busy then lazy; school and work have been killing me. I promise to have the rest up very soon. I am also am going to do daily vlogs on my spring break trip SO STAYED TUNED!

Out of all of the social network online I know that Youtube is definitely my favorite ! i love all the creativity behind it. But as of late i’m tired of just being a viewer and like the 1st thing in the our Social Media Bible book says under video sharing is to “just do it”! Did the “Evolution of dance” guy wait around ? NO! Did “keyboard cat” practice ? NO! So here i am World of the inter webs!!

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You’ve gone VIRAL!

  •  What features of social networking and microblogging sites allow that viral content and memes exist and are shared with such frequency? 


    Things like tumblr and twitter seem to be the most popular for instantly

    sharing content such as memes. Twitter and Facebook  also have a big

    deal of generating popularity for events, promotions , You tube videos , memes and

    anything else buzz worthy.


    ▪ Link to specific examples of viral content and/or memes and discuss them. (For example: Were these examples effective or ineffective at achieving some goal, if applicable? Why or why not? What common features do you think made this content “viral” as opposed to other content, if applicable? Etc.)

    Some of the viral marketing ploys that have caught my attention were mostly movie related(since I’m a movie junkie). The first one was for the Batman film “The Dark Knight”. Warner Bros. set up a scavenger hunt amongst a few cities nationwide  and fans would go out ands find clues and win various prizes such as posters and shirts but the grand prize was tickets to the hollywood premier. Check it out here:



     More recently Sony pictures is setting up a viral campaign in promoting “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”. In this promotion they have set up a Tumblr account as the persona of the fictional newspaper company from the comics “The Daily Bugle”. As seen here 



    On this tumblr page they have written foe news articles hinting as events that may take place in the film that is being release later this summer.


    ▪ Integrate or link to an infographic from an external source that supports your points in this blog post.


    I am totally loving this infographic of the super hero team “The Avengers” and what their rolls are in the Marvel Comics and films’ Universes along with their physical traits (height/weight as if the characters were real) Creative Blog rated it #5 on their “best of” list. 



    or for the image itself 



    It goes so deep into detail of the characters skills as if they were MMA fighter and traits like “Smashes, Suits and leaps” This just makes  my inner fanboy and 5 year old self happy to think that “its possible! they ARE real and I’m just like them” 😉

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Episode 1: ” Lets get to work”

At the start of this new year I had set some goals. “New Years Resolution”  is what some might call it. I personally loath the phrase; to me it is just hokie! I have never heard of a story were anyone has actually kept their resolution! So I refuse to call it that… but here I am 26 days into 2014 and I haven’t even started.

Now I’m sure you are wondering just what my goal or now appropriately self title “New Years Resolution” was? Well I have always though of myself as the creative type and my passions  haven’t been expressed. I have seen a good number of role models and even some colleagues. And i don’t know what I can really describe that as other then entertainer / active member in my geeky / nerdy obsessions. I have admired Photographers and Vloggers for years. I always seem to find myself with little fun and interesting way to just express my thoughts or what I might be going though into adulthood. And I’m not talking about just having a therapeutic creative outlet for angst emotions  but to also express my opinions on certain topics. So it seems to have come just in handy for me to be taking my Mass Media Communications class this semester.

Upon my readings in the “Social Media Bible” I ran into the “50 Rapid fire tips for Power blogging”. I have chosen a solid 10 to seek after in order to accomplish my goals and make it much more then a “resolution”

1.(number 2) Post often – All because I feel like I never have enough time at this stage of my life doesn’t mean it is gonna be any easier.  I need to discipline myself and make time Now

2.(number 3) Use catchy blog post titles – I love a good hook, especially to a current hot topic. I need to work on my vocabulary and use more “word play”

3.(number 5) Comment on other blogs- this is social media after all. How else can I expand if I am  not being social

4. (numer 6) Use Social Media- Just using Facebook and youtube ain’t gonna cut it !  I need to expand my horizons!

5.(number 7) Use Images in your posts- An eye catching pic is always a good way to get someone to read your posts. it helps filter aways all the other crap the average user sees scrolling day to day.

6.(number 13) Keep things simple- I can be a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to have grand/time consuming vision of what I am working out. … Sometimes I just need to let go of that

7.(number 21) Don’t be a “me too” blogger- Never just agree with the popular opinion, in FACT! Make your opinion heard by more if it stands out. But always be truthful.

8.(number 24) Do lots of Videos – be consistent, you know it suck when you just have to wait for days waiting for your favorite vloggers to do a follow up. You should never leave anyone hanging.

9.(Number 25) When making videos, be real and be personable- speaks for itself

10 (Number 46) Be yourself – No one likes a fake

Also included in our readings I found an article that i very much agreed with in terms of a philosophical approach to creating/perfecting  my online persona. Out of the The Rules of marketing & PR ; the subject was esblishing the thought of approaching your new found blog and other social media outlet like you would at a cocktail party. I found this article very honest and stimulating. Before reading this I could not explain my ideologies but reading this just took the word right out of my mouth!  And further giving me useful point I haven;t even thought out on top of that! I like that it. In it it asks a series of question like “do you listen or talk more ?”  and “do you avoid social interaction? ” I also like that it shows to maintain some etiquette.

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